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HOH Competition

On day 16, all the houseguests excluding Hisam, who was the outgoing HOH, competed in the HOH competition which was called Snot a Winner. The houseguests had to hit a golf ball through a course avoiding obstacles to get the highest number.

Felicia won with a score of 53.

POV Competition

On day 18, the POV competition took place. It was called Cock A Doodle Zoom.

The players were Felicia (HOH), Jag (Nom), Cameron (Nom), Izzy, Cory and Red.

The players had to crawl through “radioactive” sludge, cluck on their box for 10 seconds until an egg came out, crawl back through the sludge and put their egg in their carton until they have a dozen eggs.

Felicia had a lot of trouble with the sludge.

Jag won the competition and was also Cock A Doodle Zoom for the week.

By nina411

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