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Nomination Competitions

On day 1, all the houseguests played in one of four nomination competitions, excluding Cirie who was waiting in the house for them after they finished. The loser of each of the four comps would be nominated for eviction.

The first comp was from the Scramble-verse and was called Puzzling Headlines. The players had to disassemble a puzzle, bring the pieces over to their box and place the pieces in so they fit. Once done they needed to run back and hit their buzzer. The players were America, Mecole, Bowie, and Jared. The last player to finish was Jared.

The second comp was from the Humili-verse and was called Kicking Butt. They players had to move a lever that would swing a shoe that would kick them in the butt. They had to kick themselves 100 times. The players were Hisam, Matt, Kirsten and Blue. The last player to finish was Kirsten.

The third comp was from the Comic-verse and was called Goo-Pocalypse. The players had to connect wires from their table to their goo bomb. Once they had connected the wires they needed to press their detonator handle. If it detonated, and they were slimed, they were successful. The players were Felicia, Izzy, Jag and Cameron. The last player to finish was Felicia.

The fourth comp was from the Scary-verse and was called Hold on Fright. The players had to lie down and hold on to hand grips while they were being pulled with a large hand on a bungee. The first to let go would lose and also be pulled into the nether region. The players were Reilly, Luke, Cory and Red. Cory was the first to let go.

On day 2, all of the houseguests, excluding the four nominees; Kirsten, Felicia, Cory and Jared, competed in the HOH competition from the Comic-verse called Crash Course in Comics. The players had to choose between different sized balance beam paths and avoid swinging signs to make it to the buzzer in the fastest time. Reilly finished in 16.03 seconds beating Hisam’s time of 22.49 seconds. No one who played after Reilly beat her time and Reilly became the first HOH. This HOH has the super power of removing two of the four nominees up for eviction.

On day 4, six houseguests competed in the POV competition from the Humili-verse called Atomic Wedgie.
The players were Reilly (HOH), Felicia (Nom), Kirsten (Nom), Hisam, Cameron and Blue. The host was Cirie.
The players had to stack 35 flowers on their vase pedestal and run back and press their buzzer while the flowers were still standing. The players were intermittently sprayed with water while they were building and hoisted in the air for an atomic wedgie.
After 36 minutes Hisam won the Power of Veto.

By nina411

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